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Swhacker Broad head review


This is not a post about any other broad head other than Swhacker. There are a lot of different products out there that are of good quality. This is a review of the Swhacker 2", 100 grain and the 3", 150 grain broad head. I have been using Swhacker for about 6 or 7 years now and I an a huge fan. I use the 2", 100 grain for my bow and we use the 3", 150 grain for our crossbows. I was fortunate to harvest 4 bucks in the last 6 years with my bow and they all have been shot with the 2" Swhackers. All of them have been recovered and all of them did not go more than 50 yards. Although shot placement is the most important thing, these hit with impact and cut anything in their way. I have found that these fly true and are very accurate. The blades pass through the hide and then open up inside. This allows the blades to stay sharp and do its damage to the organs. The entry hole is small but the exit wound is huge and the blades are thick and do some serious damage and do not bend.

The 3", 150 grain are great for crossbows. Most crossbows are shooting between 370 and 425 fps. A lot of crossbows are having limb problems because the bolt and broad head are too light. These being 150 grain are a little heavier and will help ease the limb problem. Not only are they heavier but these things pack a punch like Mike Tyson. The hit hard and tear a hole that is 3 inches wide. Even if your shot is a little off the 3" cut will hit something and do damage. We have been using these for 3 years and we are 4 for 4 with these broad heads. To me there is no better broad head for crossbows. The 3" cut is so brutal that the blood trail is like something that I have never seen. Shooting a 3" cut broad head will increase your odds of recovery and success. With a 3" cut you can literally cut the heart in half. These are the real deal.

The bands that hold the blades closed in flight are durable and of good quality. There is almost no chance of the blades opening in flight. I have shot many broad heads including Rage, Muzzy, NAP, Swhacker and many more. They all make great products, but I think I have seen the best results out of the Swhacker product.

See pictures below. All bucks were killed with Swhacker broad heads. I am not sponsored or compensated by Swhacker in any way.

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